How To Repurpose an Old Door

Don’t throw out that old door just yet! Learn how to repurpose an old door into a beautiful bathroom wall decor piece, that you will just love hanging on your wall!

Do you have an old door sitting in your garage or basement that you don’t know what to do with? Why not repurpose it into a beautiful new piece of decor for your home? With a little bit of creativity and some DIY skills, you can turn that old door into a gorgeous wall decor for any room. Check out this amazing idea for inspiration!

Repurpose an Old Door

Do you have an old door lying around that you don’t know what to do with? Well, look no further! In this blog post, I will show you how to repurpose that old door into a beautiful and unique piece to decorate your home with.

I have had this old door for quite some time. So long that my husband took it back to the garage and it got buried under some times. I asked him to go and locate it so I could finally get around to making the bathroom wall decor I had been dreaming of.

If you are like me and have TONS of projects you are wanting to get done now is the time to do them. You will not regret taking the time to make something old into something new.

So gather up your supplies and pull that old door out of the back of your garage or basement and let’s get started!



  1. Prep your door first by cutting the door in half, or in the best place possible to work with. Continue to prep your door by wiping it down and sanding it. Get all the excess dirt and splinters off. Scrap the door and then sand it. This makes 
  2. Once your door is sanded and clean apply a coat of fast-drying polyurethane coat over it and allow it to dry. Gather some baskets and antique hooks and work with placement on where you wish to put them.
  3. Gather some baskets and antique hooks and work with placement on where you wish to put them. Choose what you wish to have on yours. You don’t have to stick with the ones I choose. 

Ideas on How To Repurpose an Old Door

There are lots of different things you can do when repurposing an old door. Instead of adding items like I did above, you could paint them and stencil sayings on them. You could even decoupage the inner parts to add some floral designs. 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to decorating with an old door. Get your thinking caps on and just use your creativity to make something old into something new for your home. 

What Can I Make Out of an Old Door?

If you are wondering what do you do when you have an old door lying around and you’re not quite sure what to make of it? Well, never fear, because I’ve got some ideas for you!

  • Make shelves
  • coffee tables
  • headboard for a new bed
  • Wall shutters
  • Jewelry Stand
  • Dressing screen

Really any idea is perfect for crafters of all levels. So get creative and see what you can come up with using an old door. You might be surprised at just how versatile they can be!


Repurpose an Old Door

Don't throw out that old door just yet! Learn how to repurpose it into a beautiful bathroom wall decor piece, that you will just love hanging on your wall!



  • Prep your door first by cutting the door in half, or in the best place possible to work with. Continue to prep your door by wipping it down and sanding it. Get all the excess dirt and splinters off.
  • Once your door is sanded and clean apply a coat of fast drying polyurethane coat over it and allow it to dry.
  • Gather some baskets and antique hooks and work with placement on where you wish to put them. Choose what you wish to have on yours. You don't have to stick wtih the ones I choose.


Just pin this How to Repurpose an Old Door tutorial below to find the instructions later!

DIYDIY craftDIY tipsrepurpose old doorupcycle