
Why I LOVE Winter!

I know it is not a popular opinion, but it is mine.  I LOVE winter.  There, I said it.

Do I love our usually unmaintained gravel roads in the winter?  Covered in ice with barely a rock poking through for traction sometimes for a month straight?  Or having to take the ditch because it isn’t as slick as the road itself? Nope.  Not at all.

But they are nothing to brag about in the spring when they thaw back out either.  Or when Helen’s Bottoms is flooded, and we have to go around. Or when they are full of potholes.  But that isn’t what this post is about.

Our roads just happen to be the worst part about living in the country.  Other than that, I wouldn’t change it for anything.  Our home is my safe haven. 

I wasn’t super excited when an insurance salesman tried to encroach on it today.  Normally I would make sure the lights were off and hide.  But hubby happened to be home for lunch, so he dealt with him. And even gave the guy his number to call him to talk about it another time.  What the heck? 

But, again, not what this is about. 

The reasons why I love winter.  For one thing, I am extremely hot-blooded.  I can only wear a sweater or sweatshirt if I will be doing nothing but sitting still.  Maybe while going out to eat with friends.  Maybe not. Any type of movement, and I start to sweat.  I do not glisten. It’s not cute.  But at least I can wear light layers in the winter.  And jeans.  And boots.  I avoid all outdoor activities in the summer.

Another reason I like winter is that it can be so pretty.  Like the picture of my house.  I know the snow and ice can be very dangerous but also very beautiful.

When I was a kid in school, but especially when my kids were in school, snow days were the best!  Sledding. Pulling them around on inner tubes behind the four-wheeler.  Snow made ice cream.  All the things memories are made of.

But for me, the best part of winter is just a little more time with my husband.  We are both very hard workers all year long, but in the winter, we seem to find a little more time when the daylight hours are shorter.

When it gets dark at 5pm is probably my absolute favorite.  He does go back out and work in the shop after supper quite a bit, but sometimes he doesn’t.  Do I have plenty to do with my own little business? Heck ya, I do.  BUT, I can rearrange a few things if it means a movie on the couch with my best friend.  Or a lazy Sunday afternoon watching Longmire or Ozark and catnapping. 

I know it’s crazy, but when the days start really getting shorter, I get so excited.  Excited for Harvest to be over.  Excited for all fall fieldwork to be done as much as the weather will allow.  Excited for the holidays to be wrapped up. 

As I type this, it is February 25th.  Spring is approaching.  Not soon enough for most people but all too soon for this chick.

The daylight hours are getting longer.  I heard birds chirping last weekend. It’s not dark until well after 6pm these days.  Just another sign that spring planting is just around the corner.  We will most likely have to start mowing the yard again in a little over a month. 

Oh well, I don’t mean to be a downer—just my thoughts on why I love winter. 

Does anyone else in the whole world feel the same way?  If so, I haven’t met them yet! 

Or at least I have never heard anyone else admit it.

Just my ramblings on a beautiful winter day….


  • Dianne Jones Miller

    I loved your winter story !!!!! It is so refreshing to hear about you enjoying spending time with your husband and that you enjoyed your kids when they were young !!!!!!!!
    I too like winter because I’m hot natured, I burn up in sweaters as well 😳. I enjoy spending time with my husband as do you (48 yrs of marriage & counting). We use to build snowmen etc. with our kids (4 of them). I treasure the memories.
    Our road sounds like yours. But we so enjoy living in the boonies. After 25 yrs in the ministry ,pastoring, we now are a few miles from one of our sons, 2 miles from our daughter & about the same distance from our grandkids. Life is a blessing & we are THANKFUL to be able to enjoy it.

    • Robbie

      Your story is so relaxing. I’m the exact way. I have announced that as of the first hot day this year I am opting out of all outdoor festivities. I will emerge about October.

  • Lori Carbone

    Loved this Tammy…sounds great! I am not a winter person really, but I DO LOVE all the seasons. Cannot imagine living anywhere else really because of all of our beautiful season! Thanks for sharing!

  • Amy

    I too love cold and cool temps! I try to love summer, but the heat and humidity!!! Love the green trees, my garden, camping, but dread the heat. Everyone seems to rave about summer coming, and I’m weird. I don’t! Love, love, love my central air!!!

  • Sonia Nelson

    Hi, Tammy!
    Me, again!! I love Winter for the same reasons!! My husband always talks about moving to nicer weather, but I tell him “never”. I enjoy the beauty of winter, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and the break from outdoor chores.
    Although, I love Springtime, and am always anticipating Spring flowers… I am always sad to see the snow go.
    Anyway, just wanted to tell you- you are not alone!
    It’s September 15, 2021 and I still have trees and plants to get in the ground. After that, I plan to paint– a lot!!
    Best of everything!!

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