DIY Crafts

Stenciled Poop Signs and Pizza Paddle Map Signs

Poop Signs

So, I finally get hubby to go live with me, and we made “poop” signs and pizza paddles with maps and stencils on them!

For our 28th Anniversary, I finally got my hubby to come on with me and do a Facebook Live!  I have been trying to at least get him to sit in with me for one for the last year or two, and apparently, it took our anniversary to make it happen!

Our first attempt did not exactly work out.  We had ordered some things to make your viewing pleasure better, lol.  The new laptop had come in, and we thought we had it figured out, but the same thing kept happening as it has in the past.  It is basically two cameras, one on me and one on the project.  And we thought the new laptop would make it work.  Wrong.  At least not yet.  The lag time between my voice and what I am actually saying is definitely not syncing!  It was way worse than those old kung fu movies where the words and mouths don’t match up!  Like the one below from Kung Pow! Enter the Fist…

But we were so excited with all the equipment, and we wanted to try.  We do have technical help coming soon and hope to get it going eventually!

The next hurdle…after that chaos and trying to hurry things along so Greg could get back to work, I accidentally went live inside my free group “The Flippin Community.”  Not a big deal except that I only have about 650 people in there, compared to my “Flippin Furniture” page that has over 45,000.  Facepalm here!!!!

Anyway…I didn’t realize it until an hour or so later.

For the first project, we did “poop” signs and hubby did awesome!  He is a natural!  Maybe because he has seen me do it a million times?  Who knows, but he rocked it!

We painted the blocks of wood and dried them with the little dryer. 

Then we stenciled our signs and dried again.

The blocks were a little bigger than the stencil, so we placed them low to leave room at the top for twine and greenery.

When finished we spray sealed them.

I think Greg had one letter that smudged a little because the stencil shifted, and I just took a tiny paintbrush with the base color and touched up around it and “perfect.”

So after I figured out that we had not gone live on my page, I told him we needed a redo!  And he agreed!!!

So for our next project, I didn’t want to do the same thing.

Pizza Paddles

I chose the pizza paddles (I just happen to have a ton of them on hand).

First, we traced around our paddles onto the map and cut it out.

Next, we mod podged it onto our boards, hit them with the dryer a little, and then mod podged over the top and dried some more.

Then we stenciled sayings on.  Greg’s saying was “Home Sweet Home,” and mine ended up being “The Road Home.”  I had wanted to do a longer saying, but it became evident rather quickly that my original saying “the world needs who you were meant to be” was not going to fit!  So I asked the viewers to give me a smaller saying, and that was what we settled on!

The last two things we did was use our paint dabbers around the edges and then spray sealed the whole project!

Hubby did great!  He really, really did!  And that was a good part of our 28th Wedding Anniversary!

We don’t really do gifts.  We treat each other right every day of the year, so we don’t really feel the need.

How do you think he did?

Are you going to try either of these projects?

Who should my next guest crafter be?


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