Cattle Drive
Cattle. I love them, most of the time.
I will give you a little synopsis and let you watch the video.
My husband, son, daughter, and I moved cattle to pasture one day last week.
Did it go as planned?
Ummmm, no.
Did it all work out in the end? Pretty much. ?
My daughter was mainly out there to try to video us. It would have gone super easy but there was one cow that was newer, and she was a problem.
She was not familiar with how we do things and apparently is not familiar with how “follow the leader” works.
She did not want to go to greener pastures. ?
There is some yelling in the video. If you have cattle, you will understand.
I am pretty sure that there was some cussing also, but I think we left those parts out!
Basically, it all started off well. My husband yells “calf,” and they usually come running, expecting feed or hay. He had a bucket of feed with him this day and would dribble out a little here and there to lure them along.
Also, keep in mind that we are recently merging our spring and fall herds. This means that we now have double the amount of cows to work with than we are used to.
All in all, it worked out. One cow left behind. The trouble maker. I am pretty sure I heard them say that they would be selling her. She was just not worth the hassle.
I’m sorry it wasn’t video’ ed, but I did perform some pretty awesome four-wheeler moves that did not make it into the video. It’s nice to know that I can still get out there and do it! It’s been a while!
Anyway… I hope you enjoy a tiny glimpse into our little ‘cattle drive’ and have a moovalous day!!!?
Diane Perry
Love your things! Where are you from, where do you live?
Flippin Furniture Blog
Thank you very much! We live in Illinois 🙂